Warrior Retreats

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    In recent news…
    ELKHART, January 27, 2025—Patrolman Ethan Pasternak and Corporal Paul Vandenburg were both shot during an exchange of gunfire with suspect in Martin’s Supermarket fatal shooting.

    ELKHART, January 6, 2025 Capt. Adam ‘Pugsley’ Kuspa, 41, suffered a massive pulmonary embolism and died.

    The Department of Defense (DoD) released the DoD Annual Report on Suicide (ARSM) in the Military: Calendar Year (CY) 2023. In CY 2023, 523 Service members died by suicide, which is more than the previous year (493). The Total Force rate – which is the focus of the ASRM report – of suicide deaths per 100,000 Service members was 9 percent higher than in 2022. Active Component suicide rates have gradually increased since 2011.

    EMS personnel are exposed to many stressors and traumatic events that have been shown to place them at greater risk for mental health disorders and suicidal behavior. These often-comorbid risk factors include alcohol use, sleep disturbances, post-traumatic stress, and chronic exposure to stress in the workplace.
    Unfortunately, these are not isolated incidents.  These scenarios are happening everywhere, every day, somewhere in this country.  We need your help to help those that spend/give their lives to keep us safe. 

    The CGS Foundation’s initiative, the Warrior Retreat, is designed to provide much needed REST.   Founded by a special needs care giver and Environmental Scientist/Military Veteran, it is our goal to take care of the forgotten ones who take care of so many.  Those who have dedicated (and in some cases sacrificed) their lives to ensuring our comfort, security, safety and protection. 
    Warrior Retreats provide the much-needed commune with nature in serene settings.  Studies have shown that… “

    Nature: A source of positive emotions and stress reduction
    Certain environments can help us limit our exposure to stress and the associated mental and physical health risks: specifically, those found in nature. 
    In 1991, the researcher R. Ulrich developed Stress Reduction Theory (SRT), based on numerous studies, notably those carried out in hospital settings, to explain our emotional and physiological reactions in the presence of natural elements. 
    This theory states that looking at scenery containing natural elements like greenery or water creates positive emotions and feelings like interest, pleasure, and calm, and has a restorative effect, easing our state of alert following a stressful situation. Our response is then improved rapidly and spontaneously.
    We partner with the community to acquire homes in serene locations to provide respite, rejuvenation and refocus through extended stays for our local warriors for free.  These homes are donated or purchased by groups or individuals.  Partners can also lend their financial support to donate funds to purchase homes which are preselected.  They are staffed by volunteers to meet the needs of the guests (they are house hosts and they provide meals, activities and such. Volunteers can be Civil Groups, Church Groups, Other Non-Profits, Families and/or Individuals).  We also partner with Christian counselors to meet their emotional and mental needs as well.

    Whatever God lays on your heart to do will be appreciated.  We are currently in the throes of raising funds for this project to provide retreats for our warriors.  However, in order for us provide ANY properties, it takes time and support from the community. 

    We are a faith-based, non-profit organization and our resources are limited.  We ask that you keep us in your prayers, so that we can rally support to bring this endeavor to fruition.  Thank you in advance.